The specialists at Duncan & Toplis provide legal and probate services, such as Wills, Inheritance Tax, Lasting Power of Attorney, and more.

Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Trusts

Please note that prices are not inclusive of VAT.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us.



Single WillFrom £500.00
Couple WillsFrom £650.00
Single life interest trustFrom £675.00
Couple life interest trustFrom £1,250.00
Discretionary trust single Will From £750.00
Discretionary trust couple Wills From £1,500.00




Single CodicilFrom £300.00
Couple CodicilsFrom £450.00


Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)


One LPAFrom £450.00
Two LPAsFrom £650.00
Four LPAsFrom £900.00




Lifetime discretionary trustFrom £1,000.00
Deed of appointmentFrom £750.00
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